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What’s in Store with Pirates 4?

Gossip says that Ian McShane (Deadwood) is currently in talks to join the cast of , the fourth in the mega-successful film franchise. He’s negotiating the role of Blackbeard, the famed pirate who plundered around the West Indies and the North Carolina coast.

and Penelope Cruz are definitely signed on to do the flick, the plot of which will revolve around a quest to discover the Fountain of Youth.

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Johnny Depp Mad for Hatter Role

Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter is honored to play the Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland.

The 46-year-old actor admits his eccentric character in ‘s film, based on the classic children’s novel, was a “dream” role.

“To play the Mad Hatter and breathe life into Tim’s vision is a dream come true. He’s a fascinating character. He’s mad. He’s unpredictable.”

Depp also suggests the Mad Hatter will have a great affection for the movie’s protagonist, Alice, played by actress : “They complete one another like a brother and sister do. He’s very protective of her, and she’s very protective of him.”

Earlier this month , who plays the White Queen in the movie, admitted the original script had her playing the lead role of Alice - but she turned it down as she felt it was too close to a previous role.

“The studio had the Alice script a long time ago and I was approached back then for the part of Alice. I considered it, but felt, what with The Princess Diaries, that I had been there, done that sort of pretty-girl-in-a-fairy-dress role. I told the studio, however, that I would, however, be interested in playing the White Queen.”

follows a storyline different to the original story, written by Lewis Caroll, and will be released in early March.

This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: February 2, 2010

Zombieland DVDHere are some of the options available this Tuesday:

  • Adam: DVD
  • Amadeus (Director’s Cut): Blu-ray
  • Amelia: DVD, Blu-ray
  • An American in Paris: Blu-ray
  • Casablanca: Blu-ray
  • The Departed: Blu-ray
  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: Blu-ray
  • Gangs of New York (Remastered): Blu-ray
  • Gigi: Blu-ray
  • The Godfather (Coppola Restoration): Blu-ray
  • The Godfather Part II (Coppola Restoration): Blu-ray
  • The Last King of Scotland: Blu-ray
  • Love Happens: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Maid in Manhattan: Blu-ray

Click to continue reading This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: February 2, 2010

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Get Two New Peeks at Alice in Wonderland

Could 2010 just get here already?

Although there are a long list of award nominees I still have yet to see, I’m already looking forward to the post-Oscar period. I mean, how can you watch this new trailer and not get excited? I doubt we’d ever see anything this fun in the Best Film category - even with its expanded field. Thankfully, we have less than three months to go before the March 5 premiere.

A slightly different UK trailer can be found after the jump.

Click to continue reading Get Two New Peeks at Alice in Wonderland

Read More | Entertainment Weekly

This Week on DVD and Blu-ray: December 8, 2009

Julie & Julia DVDHere are some of the options available this Tuesday:

  • The Alphabet Killer: Blu-ray
  • The Cove: DVD
  • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Ultimate Edition): DVD, Blu-ray
  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Ultimate Edition): DVD, Blu-ray
  • Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer: Blu-ray
  • Julie & Julia: DVD, Blu-ray
  • Moonlight Serenade: DVD
  • Public Enemies: DVD, Blu-ray
  • While She Was Out: Blu-ray
  • World’s Greatest Dad: DVD, Blu-ray

Make sure to also check out the TV-on-DVD options for this week.

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Johnny Depp to Get $35 Million for Pirates 4

Jack Sparrow collects his booty

While studio execs at Disney may forge ahead without Johnny Depp for the fifth and sixth Pirates of the Caribbean films, they’ll definitely be paying a hefty amount to have him in the latest sequel of the franchise.

Reportedly commanding a minimum of $35 million, Depp would shoot to the top of the highest-paid actors list, placing him above the likes of Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and Mel Gibson, who ask for around $30 million (Depp received $25 million for the last Pirates sequel).

Yes, the Pirates of the Caribbean movies have dominated at the box office; however, higher-ups usually aren’t known to shell out $35 million paychecks, so what gives?

Click to continue reading Johnny Depp to Get $35 Million for Pirates 4

Read More | Telegraph

Casting Corner: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gwyneth Paltrow and More

Jake GyllenhaalGwyneth Paltrow

Here’s a quick look at some of the casting announcements made recently:

Jake Gyllenhaal: The Jarhead star may be prepping to play another military man in Source Code, a sci-fi thriller. The movie, which will be directed by Duncan Jones (Moon), centers on a soldier who wakes up as a commuter on a train. The passenger is forced to relive the experience again and again until the mystery behind a bombing is determined. Shooting should start in early 2010.

Click to continue reading Casting Corner: Jake Gyllenhaal, Gwyneth Paltrow and More

Ozzy Osbourne Would Like Johnny Depp in His Shoes

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Biopics, Casting, Celebrity Gossip,

Ozzy OsbourneCould Johnny Depp be biting off doves’ heads someday?

Black Sabbath rocker has just released his autobiography, I Am Ozzy, and says one of his few remaining ambitions is to see the tome turned into a film, with the Pirates of the Caribbean actor in the lead role.

“What’s left to wish for? A number one album would be good. And to have a movie made of the book, maybe with playing me - I’d like that,” he revealed. “But really, I’d like to go back in time and make better choices. Still, I know now that there is no such place as Utopia. Even if I do make it to heaven, you can bet your life the toilet will stink.”

As well as career plans, Ozzy is also thinking about returning to his native UK with wife Sharon. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in California. There’s so much bulls**t out here and the reality is, I’m English,” he said.

Pirates Franchise Sails On…Without Depp?

Which is bigger: Depp or Disney?

Dick Cook, former chairman of the uber-company and friend to actor Johnny Depp, recently left the company and left the fate of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise up in the air. Depp stated that he may discontinue his piracy if Cook is no longer at the helm of the ship.

But here’s the really shocking part: Disney plans to forge ahead without him. Depp is signed up to do On Stranger Tides, the fourth installment in the franchise, but two more movies are planned after this.

So…is there any way the movies could possibly work without Captain Jack Sparrow? Disney’s pretty big…but it’s doubtful the company has the chops to make Pirates work without Depp in the lead.

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Michael Caine Denies Johnny Depp Rumors

Poor Michael Caine—ever since he seemed to confirm the Johnny Depp-Riddler rumors, the poor guy has been out of the loop with everything these days!

In an interview with MTV (nearly a year ago with the same interviewer with which the deed was done), Caine realizes that he can’t trust the newspaper these days:

“We talked about Johnny Depp and all that, which is in the paper! We trusted the newspapers, and I got into so much trouble. They said, ‘Johnny Depp’s not in it. Philip Seymour Hoffman’s not in it. There’s no script, there’s nothing.’ They said, ‘Why did you say that?’ I said, ‘Because the reporter I was talking to had the newspaper, and it said it in the newspaper, and I thought you’d announced that.’ So they said, ‘Shut up.’”

Click to continue reading Michael Caine Denies Johnny Depp Rumors

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